How to use T Bact Ointment 15gm
- Â Use this medicine for a few days, it is unsafe to use it for a long period of time.
- The number of dosages depends upon the treatment which patients are used for.
- This ointment is only safe during pregnancy if the doctor prescribes it.
- During breastfeeding ointment is safe to use only if your doctor prescribed it.
- You have to keep this medicine away from your eyes as it may harmful to your eyes and gently wash your eyes if it happens.
- Consult with your specialist if you are suffering from kidney disease.
Side effects
Sometimes side effects of T-Bact Ointment do not require any medical observation. common side effects are mentioned
- Itching.
- Burning sensation.
- Stinging sensation.
- Pain.
From where you can find this medicine?
You can find T-Bact Ointment from our trusted online website lalarx.