Lefumide 10 mg (30 Tablets)


Lefumide 10 mg tablets are used for treating psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis. It helps in decreasing the symptoms of the disease and releases redness, aches, and swelling caused by the disease. It is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug. This may take a while to start functioning on the patient. In rheumatoid arthritis, it will decrease the progression of joint and bone damage, which will further help the patient to continue their daily physical activities.

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Salt Composition

Leflunomide (10mg)

Side Effects

The most ordinary side effects of this don’t require any serious medical attention. The side effects include the following:
1) Rash
2) Enhanced liver enzymes
3) Headache
4) Diarrhea
5) Nausea
6) Dyspepsia
7) Weight and hair loss
8) Loss of appetite

How To Consume

It can be consumed before and after the consumption of a meal. It is consumed with water and advised to swallow it without breaking or chewing the tablet. Consume it in the right and accurate dose as prescribed by your doctor. Always consult your doctor before stopping taking this medicine even if your symptoms are gone. It is highly recommended to consume this medicine daily and at the same time.

Safety Advice

1) To make sure that this medicine is safe for you let your doctor know about your full medical history and especially about kidney and liver.
2) Don’t forget to tell your doctor about any other medicines you are taking.
3) It is unsafe to take it with alcohol.
4) It is also very unsafe to take this before or while driving because it can reduce your alertness.

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